Based on the data collected by the surveys in 1994 and 2009-2010, and monitoring practices during 2002-2007, trends of changes of coral reefs in Nha Trang were analyzed using two indicator groups, including: ecological (habitat loss, community modification, and resource decline) and threats (anthropogenic and human). It is indicated that (1) habitat loss has occurred recently due to land filling for constructions
(2) Coral cover is maintained in well protected zone but declined in neashore and non-protected zones
(3) Changes of coral reef fish are not significant with dominance of small size, target species have not recovered following 8 years' management
(4) Density of benthic target species is still low and not recovered, showing after-effect of over-explo.itation
(5) The threats such as dynamite fishing and crown of thorn starfish break have become positive
(6) Living resources have not b?en improved after 8 years' management. In order to improve managemerzt effectiveness for sustainable use of coral reefs in Nha Trang bay, some solutions are recommended as follows: Enhancement of MPA management activities, considering involvement of local communities in enforcement and resource use
Encouraging participation of tourist sector in management and sustainable use of coral reefs
Creation of new tourist sites by rehabilitation and artificial reefs to reduce pressures to existing coral reefs
Communication with right methods to right audience
and monitoring and evaluation for adaptive management.