The effect of nutrient and salinity on the growth of three species of green algae {Chlorophyta} was studied. The highest growth rate were obtained at (3-9 mg Ure + l-3 mg phosphate)/L for Cladophora socialis and range 2,70 - 4,65 percent/day. Chaetomorpha linum was 9,03 - 9,75 percent/day at (3 mg Ure + l mg phosphate)/L and (6 mg Ure + 2 mg phosphate)/L. The growth rate of Enteromorpha torta was 9,86 percent/day at (9 mg Ure + 3 mg phosphate)/L. The best cultivation salinity for each species was determined. The optimum salinity for th.e high grow rate of Chaetomorpha linum was 35 thounsandth Cladophora social is was 30 thounsandth
Enteromorpha torta was 25 thounsandth.