As with other aquatic species being cultured, seahorse are prone to diseases from parasites, bacteria, and viruses. Diseases can occur due to many factors such as poor environemnt conditions, exposure to pathogens, improper management of cu/ure parameters, or from low quality nutrients, or simply from broods tack. In principle, and as with other aquatic animals in culture, disease prevention is easier to implement compared to disease treament. Improving on the above factors and reducing possible stressors will enable seahorse culturists to produce healthy animals, while increasing resistance to diseases, and attaining higher survival rates. Using high quality feed (enriched Artemia, and supplementation of C, D & E vitamins) and installing a biofi/ter combined with UV, ozone and protein skimmer are the measures of choice to prevent diseases in seahorse culture. The specific treatment of some seahorse diseases are likewise detailed in this paper.