Coral reef fish commuities distribute in the coastal areas of Vietnam contain high species diversity with 1206 species belonging to 451 genera and 118 families have been recorded. Among of them 779 species are listed as the typical coral reef fishes. Based on the utilization potentials. the coral reef fish communites can be divided into two main groups: (1) live reef food fish, (2) ornamental fish. The trends of resource dynamic show clearly in fact of fishing down marine food web strategy: rapid reduction in density of the predator fishes (large size body) and increasing of the prey fish (small size body). Several threats cause the depletion of fish resources include over fishing practices (destructive fishing, chemical fishing) and other abnormal weather conaitions (rainy, tropical stonn, high sea surface water, ocean acidification). It is enmerging to implement the sufficient management tools such as establishment of the marine protected area network to conserve reef habitats as well as coral dwelling species in long term period.