Mackerel and tuna (Scombridae) that they have many'species of fish with high economic value, the paper presents results on the species composition, density and distribution of larvae collected in the south central coast. Larvae of 11 species of family that they had collected in the surveys from 1999-2006, in which larvae of the genus Auxis and Thunnus occupied higher than others with 32.59 percent and 27.41 percent. The average density was 4.07 larvae/100m3 in surface layer and full vertical column of water is 4.5 larvae/100m3. Larvae occurred in high densities in July. The larvae distributed in the offshore of Ninh Thuan - Binh Thuan and- Khanh Hoa inshore in surface layer. In vertical net results, larvae concentrated in the offshore southeast of Ninh Thuan to Khanh Hoaprovinces. The waters near the Spratly Islands are low density. Seasonal appearance of fish larval is from March to July annual. Particularly, yellow fin tuna occurred in July to December.