Created in 1946, the Office of Naval Research (ONR) was the first permanent federal agency in the United States devoted to funding basic research, and it became the model for the National Science Foundation formed four years later. The mission of ONR is to coordinate, execute, and promote the science and technology programs of the United States Navy and Marine Corps. Under this guidance, ONR provides resources for thousands of scientists to explore basic scientific research on a diverse set topics ranging ffom traditional physical sciences like oceanography to emerging disciplines such as nanotechnology. ONR encourages international partnership and collaboration in these scientific explorations, engaging researchers and countries from around the world. Many examples of the international aspect of ONR's efforts can be found in the Ocean, Atmosphere and Space Research Division, which has supported dozens of scientific programs in previous years. This talk will highlight some of these efforts and present the plans for a new opportunity to create a partnership with Vietnam in marine scientific research in future years.