Vietnam become member state of ASE.AN in 1995 and rapidly entered to intergration process of ASEAN cou,ntries in the fields of social and economic development including the field of investigation, research and management of marine environment and resources. In the period 1996-2000, Vietnam collaborated with member countries of ASEAN conduct the project of multilateral cooperation on Coastal zone environment and resource management, evaluation and establishment of standard and criteries for marine environment in ASEAN countries, conservation and restoration of marine biological resources in sea areas of ASEAN. Above mentio'ned projects have been implemented with funding and coordination of dialog countries as EU, Australia, Canada and USA. In the period after 2000, Vietnam closely cooperates with member states of ASEAN continuing seeking funding to implementate projects of bilateral and multilateral cooperation as ASEAN-China, ASEAN- Korea, ASEAN- Japan, ASEAN- India in the fields of marine environment conservation and sustainable development, natural disaster prediction and warring in the Sea and coastal areas, conducting the scientific conferences and workshops, compilation and publication of material and monographies on marine environment and r.esources of ASEAN countries. The paper analyses and evaluates contributions of Vietnam to programs and projects of cooperation as well as the results to benefit of Vietnam and of A SEAN in general. In this basis, there are some recommendations on the tasks, scope and mechanism for cooperation of ASEAN in the field of marine environment and resource investigation and management to increase efficiency and contribute to the plan for construction of ASEAN community in 2015.