There are many dimorphic fungi species which are popular yeast and molds causing disease in humans. There are many fungal examination methods of skin, hair, nails but direct microscopic examined is traditional method, fast and quite accurate. So in 198 hospital, direct microscopic examined method used to examine dimorphic fungi and obtained some results in 2010 and 2011: The total number of examination cases are 1163 in which subjects tested police occupied the highest rate 42 percent, followed by insurance (34 percent) and lowest in services (24 percent). With positive rate is 50.82 percent (591 cases), and negative rate is 87.38 percent (572 cases). Among 591 positive cases, the number of men infected dimorphic fungi was higher than that of women in four age groups. 18-40 years old was the highest positive rate, followed 41-60 years old and lowest over 60 years old.