By studying 14 cases of tonsils with surgical indications, the authors found that the minimum age was 7, the largest was 55 years old. Common clinical symptoms were sore throat: 100 percent, difficult swallowing: 64 percent
The tonsils developing in both sides: 58 percent, other symptoms were less common. Thus, the study showed that symptoms of tonsils with surgical indications included: chronic inflammation of the tonsils, so developing in both sides, causing sore throat, fever of many times. Tonsillectomy by COBLATOR showed that COBLATOR could be applied in cases such as lows: inflammation of many times, inflammation after swelling, abscesses, faucial orthopedics, reed, tumor of tonsils. Mean days of using drugs after surgery: 6.5 days. The average length of hospital stay: 1.8 - 3.6 days. Recovery time: 7.5 days. For hallow of operation, 100 percent was a good progress after 14 days. Cost for operation was low. Above results showed that tonsillectomy by COBLATOR could be done in all age groups and safety.