In the 3 types of vegetation covers (grass vegetation, shrub vegetation and second forest, there are 557 species belonging to 393 genera, 114 families of five branches of higher vascular plants such as Lycopodiophyta, Equisetopsida, Polypodiophyta, Pinophyta and Magnoliophyta. Of which, there are 15 families available over 10 species (accounting for 42.01 percent of total species), 13 genera available over 4 species (accounting for 12.39 percent of total species). There are 33 rare plant species in the 2007 Vietnam Red Data Book and 7 species recorded in Decree of Government No. 32. Majority of statistical species are the light-demanding pioneer species growing on land exploited exhaustedly and on the area of forests without trees after large trees cut down. Although there is a rich and diversified flora, the vegetations in Vi Xuyen district is significant degradation in terms of area and quality that the main reasons is due to the activities of exploitation on logging, firewood and non-timber forest products and forest fire, etc.