The present study aimed at evaluating the effect of the dietary inclusion of organic trace minerals selenium and zinc on the performance, internal and external egg quality of Japanese quails submitted to heat stress. Total of 432 birds (144 x 3 replicates) were distributed according to a randomized block experimental design into four groups, 36 birds/group (I) control
(2) 0.3ppm Se
(3) 60ppm Zn and (4) 0.3ppm Se + 60ppm Zn per kg completed feed. Experiment bird was evaluated for 112 days (from 60 to 172 days of age) divided in eight cycles of 14 days. Data on egg production, feed conversion, egg weight, egg specific gravity, eggshell thickness, Haugh unit, yolk index, albumen index and mortality of quails were evaluated. The result as follows: There were no differences (p 0.05) in egg production ( percent), egg weight (g), feed conversion per egg mass (kg/kg), feed conversion for egg production (kg/10 eggs), egg specific gravity, eggshell thickness and weight (g), Haugh unit, yolk index, albumen index and mortality (percent). However, quails fed the combination of Se and Zn presented feed intake (28.73 glhenlday) higher than other groups (p 0.05). Those fed only organic selenium had higher average daily egg production (30.17 eggs/day), and those fed the diet only supplemented with zinc presented higher mortality (p 0.05). The results of the present study suggest that the supplementation of organic trace minerals in Japanese quails diets submitted to heat stress does not significantly influence quail performance and internal egg quality, whereas the supplementation of the combination of organic Zn and Se increases feed intake.