Study was carried out in spring and Summer - Autumn season 2013 with 5 hybrid maize varieties as NK4300, 049, MB69, CP333, OP999 and LVNIO used as a control at Pac Nam, Bac Kan. Results of experimental showed that all tested hybrid varieties have medium growth duration. NK4300 variety's plant height, conrcob-made height and leaf area index was higher than that of LVNlO (control). The trial yield was equivalent to control LVNlO, from 5.35 - 6.02 tons/ha (Spring 2013) and from 5.29 - 6.13 tons/ha (Summer - Autumn 2013). Results of demonstration showed that NK 4300 had the trial yield of 7.50 - 8.00 tons/ha that higher than that of the control LVNIO (6.00-6.50 tons/ha), many good characteristics, accepted by farmer, recommended expand production.