Recently, the pile load capacity using in designs is commonly estimated based on the results of Cone penetration tests (CPT) or Standard penetration test (SPT). This calculations must apply a safety factor Fs from 2 to 3 because the pile load capacity is difficult to determine accurately that possibly leads to a wasteful design. In practice, to determine the load capacity of piles, the static load test method is commonly performed and provides reliable results. To solve the problem of the relationship between the load capacity of piles according to calculations based on experimental results of CPT or SPT and other regular capacity from static load test, the author has conducted static load test results of piles located in some typical areas of Hanoi, pile load capacities calculated theoretically based on CPT and SPT.This research focuses on establishing a correlation between the pile load capacity as a result of tests CPT, SPT with the capacity received from static load test through a correlation coefficient K, with CPT have K = 0.654- 1.405, with SPT have K = 0.837-1.42.