This paper presents vibration analysis of cracked FGM plates by XCS-DSG3 method. Cell-based smoothed discrete shear gap method is combined extended finite element method to give XCS-DSG3 method to analyze the mechanical behavior FGM plates with crack which is very effective compared with FEM and DSG3. To calculate the stiffness matrix from the approximately displaced function, CSDSG3 element will be used to calculate the element does not go through the crack. However, with the element has crack cutting through and contains the tip crack, CS-DSG3 element will be added by the discontinuous enrichment function and degenerate function of XFEM. Materials used for FGM plate are ceramic and metal AI/A1203 which is very popular and easy to make. Results from,the application of XCS-DSG3 method will be compared with the reference solutions to prove the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed method.