Objectives: 1) Determine the variation of blood pressure in patients with the cerebral hemorrhage stroke during acute phase. 2) Determine the dipper and nondipper of nighttime blood pressure and blood pressure overload in patients with cerebral hemorrhage stroke. Subjects and methods: 48 patients with cerebral hemorrhage stroke during the acute phase with hypertension, in cardiovasculary intemal department at Hue central hospital, without indication of emergency antihypertesive, was hospitalized S 1 day after onset. From 3/2012 to 7/2014. All patients were monitored 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure (ABPM) 2 times, first on 2nd day. 2nd times on 7th day after admission
measuring interval 30mtfimes during the daytime from 6 moming to 22h night (6 pm-10pm) and 60 minltimes at night (10 pm- 6 am). Resuls: lood pressure in patients with cerebral hemolThage stroke fluctuated significantly expressed in standard deviation between the peak 15mmHg for SBP and 12 mmHg for DBP. Nondipper rate of blood pressure and blood pressure overload in patients with cerebral hemorrhage stroke is very high ( 90 percent).10.4 percent of patients had returned to normal blood pressure naturally without medication. Conclusion: Shoud apply the technic of 24 hour BP monitoring to assessement, prognosis and to have treatment planning of patients with acute phase cerebral hemorrhage.