The roots of Goi hac (Leea rubra Blume) and fractional EtOAc, n-BuOH work clearing DPPH radicals, OH and O2-. Which results in free radical scavenger DPPH better and the ability to scan the most powerful free radical is shown in segment nBuOH IC50 values of 10. 1 segments respectively
8.6 and 5.8 (g / ml). This value of the positive control substance catechin was 2.5 (g/m/). Such free radical scavenger effects of extracts and whole segments of EtOAc, n-BuOH is relatively strong. Results of the study effect of removing free radicals may contribute explain anti-inflammatory mechanism of action of medicinal plants, and suggestions for the development of exploitation of medicinal plants in a sustainable way and modem.