An experiment was conducted to evaluate effects ot diterent cutting points on yield and chemical composition ot two new sorghum lines as well as quality ot the ensilage. A total ot 24 plots were arranged accoding to a completely randomized block design with 3 replicates to grow the two sorghum lines and 4 cutting points at different phases ot plant growth. The cut materials were choped into 3-5cm in length by a slicer and mixed with supplements in small containers (3kglcontainer) tor sillage making according to the tollowing treatments: whole tolliage at start ot flowering, whole tolliage with flowers, whole tolliage with milky seeds, and whole mature tolliage with left flowers. It was tound that the new sorghum lines had good growth with high green matter yield (72.45 to 101.14 ton/ha). Sorghum whole tolliage at start ot flowering, whole tolliage with flowers, whole tolliage with milky seeds can be easily made silage with 0.5 percent NaCl or 0.5 percent NaCI plus 5 percent molasses. The silage can be preserved tor 3 months with low pH (3.80 - 4.29), low moulded proportion (2.39 to 3.56 percent), and low HCN content (6.97 - 7.74 mg/kg).