Objective: Describe the characteristics of ultrasound, fine needle aspiration (FNA) of nodular goiter compared with histological feature. Materials and methods: A prospective study on 106 patients are diagnosed with nodular goiter in Head and Neck department, K Hospital from 11/2013 to 11/2014. Results:The diagnostic results of ultrasound: The rate of single nodular goiter was 55.7 percent. The rate of multinodular was 44.3 percent. The rate of suspicious malignancy in ultrasound result was 55.7 percent. The result of FNA in malignancy and suspicious diagnostic was 19.8 percent and 15.1 percent respectively. The cancerous rate of histological diagnostic was 35.8 percent. Conclusion: Cancerous ratio of nudular goiter was 35.8 percent. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of thyroid ultrasound indiagnostic of nodular goiter were 85.7 percent, 54.2 percent, 68.9 percent respectively. Similarly, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of FNA were 82.6 percent, 85.7 percent,70.7 percent respectively.