Objectives: To evaluate, select influenza vaccine candidate strain to develop the influenza A/H1N1 pdm in Vietnam. Subjects and methods: MDCK viruses propagation, heamagtutinine inhibition assay, Sanger sequence gene on 85 viruses Vietnam A/H1N1 pdm09 strains during 2009-2013. Results: 46/85 A/H1N1 pdm09 strains had HA titer 128 which were sequenced HA gene. Their HA genes referred to 4 groups (l,5, 6 and 7). The subgroup 6C had high number of Vietnamese strains (23/76) in the year of 2013. Four strains had HI titer 1280 with reference antigen were collected, of those, two viruses A/VN/36947/2013 and A/VN/13284/2013 posed the homology with circulating virus to ensure high protect efficacy of vaccine development in Vietnam. Conclusion: The selection of influenza candidate vaccine strains is necessary in Vietnam due to the year round influenza circulation. Two A/H1N1 pdm09 strains A/VN/36947/2013 and A/VN/13284/2013 were selected for producing influenza vaccine in the future in Vietnam.