In video coding, due to the references to neighboor frames while coding the current frame, if there is an error occuring in a neighboor frame, the current frame will be affected. This error propagation phenomenon is one of issues in video coding needs to be resolved. In this work, the authors propose an error resilience scheme for wireless video coding based on adaptive Frexible Macroblock Ordering (FMO) and intra refresh. FMO explicit map is generated frame-by-frame using the estimated prior information. The prior information involves the estimation of locations of guards and bursts of errors in the channel using three-state markov model and the estimation of the error propagation effects (EEP) from the current to the next frame. Intra refresh is also used to reduce the dependency between frames therefore could stop error propagation and a suitable intra refresh rate is selected based on channel state to reduce the effect of error propagation. Experimental results show that the proposed method gains some improvements in terms of PSNR as compared to some other methods that have not taken channel condition and error propagation into consideration in generating FMO map.