Two parasitoids. Cotesia glomerata L (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Phora egregia Brues (Diptera: Braulidae) were reared from larvae of cabbage white moth Pieris rapae L. infesting spring cabbage In Gia Lam district, Hanoi city, the gregarious mlcrogastrine Cotesia glomerata L. Is the dominant species. With average temperature 21.9°C and average humidity of 73.6 percent. immature stage of C. glomerata lasts 13.05 +/- 0.15 days on average
if the temperature varied from 21.8 to 29°C and humidity from 78 to 81 percent. the percentage of parasitoid mature larvae succesfully cocooned Is rather low, average 53.7 +/- 3.7 percent in 2.58 +/- 0.09 hours. The number of parasitoid larvae matured from one host larva varied from 5 to 38, average 15.1 +/- 5,6 individuals/host larva. the percentage of adults emerged from cocoon is high. 75.1 percent from cocoons bred in laboratory and 61.5 percent from cocoons collected from the cabbage fields. The sex ratio (male:female) is 1:1,3 on average. Feeding pure honey, honey solution 50 percent or water prolonged considerably the longevity of parasitoid adults in 5.48. 3.79 and 1.82 days. respectively.