The present paper deals with a list and distribution of 11 genera and 23 species of Shield - backed bugs (Scutelleridae, Pentatomoidea) from Vietnam. Among them 5 genera: Tetrarthria Dallas, Fitha Walker, Scutel/era Lamack, Lamprocoris Stal. Hyperoncus Stal and 14 species: Poecilocoris pulcher. Dallas. P. balteacus (Dallas), Tetrarthria variegata Dallas. T: varia Walker, Scutellera fassciata Panz, Chrycocoris purpueus Westwood, Ch. omatus Dallas. Ch. dilaticolis Guerin, Ch. spi/ogaster Walker, Lamprocoris latera/is (Guerin), L. roylii .(Westwood). L. spiniger (Dallas). Fitha ardens (Walker), I Hyperoncus lateritius (Westwood) are newly recorded for Vietnam. A key to 11 genera and the keys to all of species of Shield - backed bugs from Vietnam were also complied.