Research on the effect of temperature, humidity and food on Coccinella transversalis Fabr. in Nghe An province shows the following results: Under rearing condition at 20°C, 82 percent RH, life cycle of C. transversalis was 64.17 +/- 2.50 days, at 28°C, 73 percent RH was 32.94 +/- 2.26 days, lab. condition (18 - 31°C, 80 - 90 percent RH) was 43.17 +/- 2.62 days. Rearing larvae of C. transversalis by Aphis craccivora or Spodoptera fitura in the same condition indication that, developmental time was shorter for Aphis craccivora and longer for Spodoptera litura. Fecundity of C. transversalis depend on temperature and humidity, 25°C and 75 percent RH is a good condition for rearing this species.