In 2010, the authors collected moths and butterflies in some orchard areas such of litchi in Luc Ngan, Bac Giang, of orange in Bac Quang, Ha Giang, and of dragon fruit in Binh Thuan. Moths were effectivelly collected by light trapping using the following system: Two Black Light lamps of 100V/20W (National F20S BL - B), one Chemical Light lamp (National FL20S BA - 37K), one mercury vapour lamp of 100V/500W and with a white screen (2.0 x 3.0 m) behind the lamps. The lamps were turned on after sunset and collecting period lasted for 4 - 5 hours. Moths were caught into a poison bottle of ammoniac water (28 percent) ethyl acetate (100 percent). After spreading the wings, moths were dried for 10 - 15 days in an incubator. In total 4,900 specimens were processed, which after identification belonged to 181 species and 18 families of Lepidoptera. Out of 181 species, 33 are considered to be pests.