Hai Van area is 65 kIn far from Hue city having high biodiversity. Insects represent the most diverse group of organisms, not only in terrestrial but also in aquatic, especially freshwater, habitats. In which the most diverse aquatic insect orders are the Mayfly (Ephemeroptera), Caddisfly (Trichoptera), Stonefly (Plecoptera), Dragonfly (Odonata),... Nowadays, bioindicator is a method that usually used to evaluate water quality
in those aquatic insects is one of choosing priorities because of their sensitive with water environment. Aquatic insects play an important role in the ecosystem of which they are a part. Not only do they serve as food for fish, amphibians, they are also involved in the breakdown of organic matter and nutrients. Aquatic insects are used as indicator organisms for identifying the ecological characteristic of streams. Aquatic insects are frequently used as bioindicators and biomonitors in various aquatic systerms. One reason is that they are very successful group of animal, distributed in a number of different habitats including stream, lake, river, pond,... Due to the importance of aquatic organisms in environmental impact studies and biomonitoring of freshwater habitats, there is an urgent need for comprehensive studies and publications that are locally available. The objective of this study was a preliminary survey of the effect of anthropogenic activity on aquatic insect diversity in Hai Van area. Furthermore, the study aimed to investigate the relationship between physicochemical water and appear aquatic insects families from 7 sampling sites belong to Hai Van area.