This article presents provisional data on the structure and the habitat creating shelters of sucking blood stink bugs Triatoma rubrofasclata (De Geer, 1773) (Triatomidae: Heteroptera) in Co Nhue - Tu Liem and Sai Dong - Long Bien, Hanoi. The members of individuals of Triatoma rubrofasclata collected in the village No. 8 and village No. 3 (Co Nhue - Tu Liem) are 370 and 1342, respetively. Among of them, eggs and fifth instar nymphs took the approxymate rates of 40 and 70 percentage, respetively. It showed that there were 2 populations of sucking blood stink - bugs which were in the stage of accumulating and developing two shelters in Sai Dong (Long Bien district) with 219 (at the second floor) and 465 (at the grouns floor) individuals, respectively. The numbers of fifth instar nymphs and adults indicated that they were two shelters of sucking blood stink - bugs. The size of the populations of Triatoma rubrofasclata depended on the time of formation .and accumulation at the shelters when the time was longer the numbers was bigger and vice versa.