During the survey from 2001-2010, 95 species belonging to 3 families, 8 subfamilies and 26 genera were found in Tay Nguyen. Termitidae was richest in the number of species (74 species equal 77.9 percent of total), followed by Rhinotermltidae (20 species, 21.1 percent), the last one was Kalotermitidae (only one species
1.1 percent). This survey added 6 genera (Coptotermopsls,- Euhamitermes, Speculitermes, Pseudocapritermes, Lacessititermes and Ahmaditermes) and 30 species for Tay Nguyen (not including unidentified species) and 15 species are new records for Vietnam. The results on termite diversity for 5 provinces in Tay Nguyen showed that the highest number of species was found in Dak Lak province (77 species) with lower ones in Lam Dong (38 species), in Gia Lai (37 species), in Dak Nong povinces (35 species) and the lowest one was Kon Turn (22 species). The highest number of species was found at altitude 500 - 1000 m. Macrotermitlnae most commomly found at all of researched altitudes.