A survey of social wasps family Vespidae in some natural reserves in the Northwestern part of Vietanm was presented. A total of 38 species and 7 genera were recorded. being 50.6 percent of species' occurring in Vietnam. Of those. 3 species and 3 genera in the subfamily Stenogastrinae. 27 species and 3 genera in the Polistinae and 8 species and one genus in the Vespinae were recorded. Eight species Liostenogaster filicis, Parischnogaster mellyi, Polistes nigritarsis, P. sagittarius. Ropalidia hongkongensis. R. magnanima. R. marginata and R. rufocollaris were new records for the area. Two species. Ropalidia magnanima and R. marginata. were new records for the Northern part of Vietnam. Nests were also collected.