In honey bees of the world. over 19 viruses have been found. Some of them are known very harmfull for honeybees such as sacbrood virus (SBV). deformed wing virus (OWV), acute paralysis virus, chronic paralysis virus, black queen cell virus and Kashmir bee virus. There is not much molecular information of SBV and OWV on Apis mellifera in Vietnam is published. Larvae and adult samples of infected European honeybee colonies were collected in Haiduong, Hanoi, Hoabinh, Sonia. Addtional Asian honeybees (Apis cerana) were also sampled. RT-PCR and sequencing were applied. The results show interested sequences of SBV and OWV, which infected Apis melliffera in Northern Vietnam are quite different from European isolate groups. In other hand, SBV infected A. mellifera and A. cerana in Vietnam are not same strains.