Paecilomyces tenuipes (Peck) Samson (= Isaria japonica Yasuda or Isaria tenuipes
= Cordyceps takaomontana) is an entomopathogenic fungus. It is used as a traditional medicine or health food in China, Korea, Japan. The research of cultivating fungus P. tenuipes in silkworm has been conducted at Lamdong Agro - Forestry Research and Experiment Center since 2007. Main chemical contents of the artificially cultivated fungus were analyzed and the results showed that the protein content was between 59.61 and 70.45 percent
mannitol was in the rank of 1.21 and 1.78 percent
total 18 amino acids range between 27.75 and 48.02 percent, Arginine, Proline, Tyrosine, Glutamic acid, and lysine were the main amino acids
K, Ca, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Se were analyzed and Zn had highest content among 5 microelements
in addition, 7 vitamins: A, D, E, C, B1, B3, B6 were also determined.