Soil humus and organic matters play an important role in natural soil firtility and nutrition. The soils which were formed from basalt weathering products in Daklak province, of about 344.977 ha
most of the area of basalt soils have been exploited to grow penmnial crops (such as coffie, rubber, pepper, etc.,). In monsoon conditions of plateau, under the action of high temperature and humidity, the soil humus rapidly degraded and eroded significantly. At the same time, the ferralization causes usually acidic and nutrient poor suils. Humus content in the soils is strongly influenced after the long period of industrial monoculture. This study aims to provide specific information about some humus in soils that formed on basalt in Daklak province, contributing rational use of land resources. The findings of this study shown that, organic carbon content in topsoil ranged from 1,10 to 3,73 percent and significantly reduced in the following horizons. Volume of humus at a depth of 0 - 20cm ranged from 40,90 to 110,55 tons/ha, at a depth of 0 - 100cm ranged from 103,71 to 332,03 tons/ha. Ratio C/N is low due to the rapid decomposition of the organic compounds and nitrogen supply availability from humus.