Đánh giá hiệu quả điều trị rối loạn chuyển hóa lipid máu của bài thuốc bán hạ bạch truật thiên ma thang trên các bệnh nhân điều trị nội trú tại bệnh viện Tuệ Tĩnh từ 11/2014 đến 8/2015. Kết quả cho thấy đây là phương pháp điều trị có tỷ lệ hiệu quả tốt và khá là 63,33%, tỷ lệ hiệu quả trung bình là 30% và không có hiệu quả là 6,67%.The combination of traditional medicine and modern medicine is one of the approaches to treating dyslipidemia. Intravascular laser is a technique to project the laser into the bloodstream that is circulating in a living organism that stimulates the immune system
Stimulating the enzyme system in the treatment of intravascular laser
Enhanced lipid metabolism. Therefore, the authors conduct research on the following subjects: (1) Evaluate the effect of treating hyperlipidemic hemoglobin in the treatment of hypothyroidism. (2) Monitor the undesirable effects of the drug. The study Included patients who received inpatient treatment at Tue Tinh Hospital, diagnosed as dyslipidemia, from November 2014 to August 2015. Methodology of clinical trial comparative study before and after treatment. Based on the research results, the treatment rate was quite good at 63.33%, the mean effective rate was 30% and the inefficiency was 6.67%.