Đánh giá kết quả các phương pháp xử trí trên 92 ca chảy máu sau đẻ tại bệnh viện Phụ sản Hà Nội năm 2014. Cả 92 ca đều được xử trí thành công. Điều trị nội khoa chiếm 19,5%
phẫu thuật bảo tồn tử cung chiếm 34,8%
cắt tử cung chiếm 45,7%. Tỷ lệ điều trị thành công bằng phẫu thuật cao hơn so với các nghiên cứu khác.Objective: To comment results of methods management of postpartum hemorrhage in Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital in 2014. Sudy design: An observational study of 92 women with postpartum hemorrhage who were diagnosed and treated in Hanoi Hospital. Results: 92 women were treated sueeessly including medical treatment (19.5%), uterine -conserving surgery (34.8%) hysterectomy (45.7%). Postpartum hemorrahge with failsed utenne: medical treament (33.3%), uterine-conserving surgery (24.2%), hysterectomy (27.27%). Postpartum hemorrahge with placenta preavia: medical treatment (0%), sewing stick placenta area (27.3%) uterine artery ligation (45.5%), hysterectomy (27.3%). Postpartum hemorrahge with placenta acreta: uterine - conserving surgery (6.7%), hysterectomy (93.3%). Postpartum hemorrahge with placenta abruption: medical treatment (16.7%), uterine artery ligation (50%), hysterectomy (33.3%). Postpartum hemorrahge with uterine rupture: uterine- conserving surgery (25%), hysterectomy (75%) Postpartum hemorrahge with marking perineal - vagina - cervical: uterine - conserving surgery. Conclusions: 92 women postpartum hemorrahge were treated sueeessly in Hanoi Hospital of Obstetric and Gynecology including medical treatment (19.5%), surgery (80.5%) including uterine - conserving surgery (34.8%), hysterectomy (45.7%). Rate surgeiy of postpartum hemorrahge was higher other research.