Đánh giá kết quả sàng lọc người mang gen có nguy cơ sinh con mắc bệnh tan máu bẩm sinh tại tuyến y tế cơ sở trong thời gian 12 tháng cho 226 người tình nguyện tham gia vào nghiên cứu. Điện di Hb được làm cho 12 cặp vợ chồng có nguy cơ sau sàng lọc, trong đó có 2 cặp được xác định mang gen bệnh Beta Thalassemia, 1 thai nhi được làm chẩn đoán trước sinh.Thalassemia is the most common inherited blood disorder in Vietnam, but the screening program for the carrier to prevent new cases with thalassemia server in the community is lacking. This study aims to evaluate the results of the screening criteria for thalassemia carriers in Community Health Center Crossectional study was applied. Pregnant women under 12 weeks were enrolled in the study. OF-Osmotic fragility 0.36%, was used to screening for thalassemia carrier. The phenotype was diagnosed by electrophoresis in the next step
Prenatal diagnosis will be conducted for the couple who was positive In Hb Typing. After 12 months of screening, 226 participants are volunteers in the study. 12 couples were positive with the screening test 2 couples were diagnosed with beta thalassemia heterozygotes. Afetus was done with prenatal diagnosis. After the counseling, 226 participants accepted to screen for thalassemia, 12 pairs agreed to do the diagnostic of phenotype, one couple decided to do prenatal diagnosis.