Objective: To demonstrate that laparoscopic intervention should be considered as initial surgical approach in the management of the non-palpable testis in children over the age of 5. Methods: The authors retrospectively reviewed 49 medical records of patients who undenwent laparoscopic exploration for the non-palpable testis between 6/2014 and 6/2017, intra-operative data of 49 non-palpable testis were collected. Operative success was defined at less 3 months after surgery by clinical examination and ultrasound. Results: 46 pabents (49 non-palpable testis units) underwent laparoscopic exploration, 22/49 (44,9%) patients were operated in the right side, 21/49 (42,9%) patients were operated in the left side. 3 patients were operated for bilateral nonpalpable testis. Ultrasound was done for 49/49 (100%) non-palpable testis units before operation, Testis was found by ultrasound in 18/49 (36,7%). Laparoscopic orchidopexy was performed in 22/49 (44,9%) non palpable testis units. Laparoscopic Stephens-Fowler procedure was performed in 3/49 (6,1%) non-palpable testis units. Orchidopexy by inguinal incision was done in 14/49 (28,6%), Testicular atrophy occurred in 13/49 (26,5%). Followup 6 months after surgery was available for 31/49 (63,2%) non-palpable testis units: 27/31 (87,1%) testis units in the scrotum, 3/31 (9,6%) atrophic testis was identified. Conclusion: The finding support the use of an initial laparoscopic approach in the management of the nonpalpable testis. The authors also recommended that ultrasound is not a good investigation to predict the testicular absence for nonpalpable testis.Vai trò của phẫu thuật nội soi chẩn đoán, điều trị ẩn tinh hoàn trên 46 bệnh nhân với 49 tinh hoàn trên trẻ em tại bệnh viện Việt Đức. Kết quả siêu âm trước mổ cho thấy có 18/49 tinh hoàn trong ổ bụng, chiếm 36,7%
11/49 tinh hoàn trong lỗ bẹn sâu, chiếm 22,4%
10/49 tinh hoàn không nhìn thấy, chiếm 20,4% và 10/49, chiếm 20,4% tinh hoàn trong ống bẹn sau mổ mờ hạ tinh hoàn. Phẫu thuật nội soi trong mổ 13/49 trường hợp không thấy tinh hoàn trong ổ bụng và ống bẹn, 22/49 trường hợp hạ tinh hoàn nội soi và 14/49 trường hợp hạ tinh hoàn đường bẹn có nội soi hỗ trợ.