It is true that Viel Nam is called as "Ocean" country with 3200 Km coastal long, Ihe continental shelf area of Viet Nam is estimated approximale 1 million kilometer square, about three times larger than Viet Nam landing area. Only in the latest 20 years, the investment for research and exploit the ocean resources begin developing. The profits in the domain of petroleum and aquatic product are the obvious value of ocean resources. The construction in the ocean including offshore and coastal region for researching and exploiting the ocean resources has been received the first optimistic successes as well as the high valuable experiences about problem in construction in this extremely conditions. Therefore, this science article aims to mention the serious problem in building and using the construction in ocean region including offshore and coastal region in Viet Nam as well as all over the world. This article also finds the causes as well as suggests the solution for limitation the breakdown probability and presentation the problems in both building.and using process.