An antioxidant functional food from the root of Smilax glabra Roxb. of Vietnam (TPL-As40) was prepared, by using the purified EtOH extract which contains high astilbin content (46.1 percent) as determined by HPLC analysis. The antioxidant activity of this functional food was evaluated by different methods: DPPH assay for free radical scav enging capacity, MDA assay for inhibition of lipid peroxidation and MTT assay for hepato protective effection H2O2 injured mouse hepatocytes. Accordingly, the TPL-As40 had significant antioxidant property with SC50 value of 19.8 ug/ml (DPPH assay), IC50 value of 9.32 ug/ml (MDA assay) and EC50 value of 20.95 ug/ml (MTT assay). The toxicity evaluation in mice indicated that theTPL-As40 product was safe for use as functional food according to OECD.