A cross sectional survey was conducted on 799 people (389 men and 410 women) of H'mong ethnic minority from 15 to 49 years of age in 4 communes of Tam Duong district, Lai Chau province by direct interview method. The results showed that: On education: university/college level was only 0.1 percent of the sample, high school was 1.3 percent, secondary school was 14.0 percent, primary school was 16.1 percent, and up to 68.3 percent of the sample was illiterate. Only 26.0 percent were reading- and writing-comprehensive. The average age of first sexual intercourse was 16.6, the age of first sexual intercourse before age 15 was 23.6 percent. Comprehensive understanding of the transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS among Hmong people aged 15 to 49 in the sampe were very low (16.4 percent 28.4 percent) and there were substantial differences across education levels. The proportion of condom use in sexual intercourses in the past 12 month was low: 2.0 percent used condom during the last sexual intercourse with her wife/husband, and 0.2 percent always used condoms in every sexual intercourse. There were a low proportion (0.3 percent - 0.5 percent) of subjects having sex with casual partners and extra-marital sex, and very few used condoms.