In the context of our planet's habitat being abused and seriously polluted, environmental education is considered one of the most effective and sustainable measures, because it helps people get it. Be aware and practice consciously the tasks of environmental protection. The Education sector has made great efforts in integrating environmental protection education content into schools. At the secondary school level, knowledge of the environment and climate change has also been included in a number of subjects, such as Geography and Biology
Technology, civic education, ... and through extracurricular activities. However, the actual results are not as expected. This is reflected in both the sense and behavior of a part of students. Due to the way the traditional style education organization raises awareness through the activities under the flag, learning non-experiential lessons, it is impossible to give students the feelings and abilities to protect environment? Therefore, environmental education must be well-coordinated between theory and practice so that when encountering practical problems, it is possible to creatively apply knowledge and skills that have been equipped to solve it. At the same time, help children be aware, assess and feel about the impact on the environment in each of their actions.