Taxes in the subsidized economic mechanism are merely a source of revenue for the state budget. In a market economy, taxes are a financial tool to regulate many market activities. In addition, taxes have changed significantly in countries with economies transitioning from subsidies to markets. Reforming the tax system is a solution to the current state budget deficit, especially when most import and export taxes are eliminated in the process of joining free trade communities. This innovation not only clings to the reason for the need to increase budget revenue but must also combine the increase in budget revenue with the tax tool to regulate many market relations. This is both a challenge and an opportunity for Vietnam to become an industrialized country with high income and escape from the middle income trap. Currently, taxes on property, real estate and land include two taxes: land use tax (agricultural land use tax under the Law on Agricultural Land Use Tax and the law on non-agricultural land use tax). non-agricultural land use tax)
Income tax from the transfer of rights to land and real estate applies to economic organizations in accordance with the law on corporate income tax and households and individuals in accordance with the law on average income tax.