As one of America's greatest founders, President Thomas Jefferson left behind many priceless historical legacies. For the United States, it was the American Declaration of Independence, Virginia's Law of Freedom of religion and the Purchase of the vast territorial territory of France in 1803. Up to now, as a The world's power, the United States has been involved in decisions relating to the territories of some countries. On December 6, 2017, President Donald Trump made a brief statement: "I decided it was time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel." President Trump's decision, hereinafter called the Jerusalem declaration, "has sparked a fire for some of the hottest issues of disputes" in the Middle East region, where the United States has no territorial sovereignty. Based on this fact, the article will focus on understanding the historical context before the Louisiana Department, analyzing the reason that President Thomas Jefferson must compromise between the spirit of the Constitution and the responsibility of developing territory on the basis of respect for foreign territorial rights. At the same time, the article analyzed the context that led to President Donald Trump's Jerusalem Declaration (in fact, the implementation of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 by the US Congress but was delayed by three governments. U.S. president). From there, make judgments about the constitutionality, legality and rationality of decisions made by the US President concerning the territory and interests of stakeholders.