In this paper, the results of wave computations for the construction of marine structures in the coastal zone for 3 zones along coast line of Vietnam as: from Quang Ninh to Quang Nam, from Quang Nam to Vung Tau and from Vung Tau to Kien Giang are presented. The paper consists of 3 parts as follows: 1-To estahlish of the data set of historical storm affected to the coast zone of Vietnam from the year of fifteen of the last century and to simulate the storm data set by Monte Carlo method
2-To compute maximum depth sea wave parameters with different returning period for 3 zones using modern global wave model
3-To compute wave propagation from deep sea houndary to the sea dyke foot by 2D and 1D method
4-To compute local wave parameters by wind speed, duration and fetch for the inland zones not affected by the deep sea wave. The obtained results have been used for drawing up the instruction for sea dyke design, construction and building.