The immigrants who migrated to the southern part of Vietnam during the early days had come from different regions and also brought along with them their own religious beliefs and pratices. Thus, the religious beliefs as the authors see today in that area are very rich and diversified. In other words, they are also the product of cultural exchanges between immigrant communities and their neighbors. If the authors look at mother goddess worship in the South, the authors will see that it has been significantly influenced by the religious elements of a wide range of ethnic groups such as Cham, Chinese, Khmer and Kinh people. This paper will specifically highlight the features of mother goddess worship in the Southern part of Vietnam in comparison to other places. It aims to identify the spiritual values of folk beliefs in the region and identify the regulation that makes possible for the diversity within the unity as seen in Vietnamese culture. By going through all the issues, this paper finally hopes to find a solution for preserving and promoting those spiritual values within the current context of international integration.