The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of hypertension on left ventricular (LV) remodeling in metabolic syndrome (MetS). Methods: the authors analyzed 61 controls, and 198 MetS patients (108 patients with hypertension), who had comprehensive echocardiography examination. The study population was divided into 3 groups (61 in group I, controls
90 in group II, MetS without hypertension
108 in group III, MetS with hypertension. Echocardiographic measurements for cardiac structure and functiun, and intracardiac hemodynamic parameters were compared among these 3 groups. Results: Patients with MetS with hypertension had higher LV mass index (132.63 + or - 51.64 g/m2
107.83 + or - 30.71 g/m2 p 0.05). LV diastolic dysfunction patients in MetS with hypertention 70.4 percent higher groups MS (+) without hypertension (45.6 percent) and controls (8.2 percent) with p 0.05. Conclusions: LV remodeling is significantly influenced by hypertension in the patients with MetS: the effects of MetS are more pronounced in the patients with hypertension, with development of LV concentric hypertrophy remodeling and LV diastolic dysfunction.