Norovirus (NV) is one of the important causes of gastroenteritis in both adults and children. Due to the lack of culture system for NV, expression of recombinant protein bearing antigen provides invaluable materials for diagnostics and vaccine development and other serological, epidemiological and basic studies. In this study, the authors expressed the P capsid region of the virus in E.coli and compared the antigenicity of the expressed protein with that of VLPs in an ELISA to detection NV antibodies. Protein has been successfully expressed with yield of 80mg/L culture, bearing virus antigen properties and can be used as coating antigen for the ELISA procedure to determine NV antibody titers. The use of this antigen in detecting antibody in positive serum samples was comparable to that of VLP. Study is on going to produce P particles for use in NV vaccine development.