Mammalian pluripotent genes can be induced by many ways. In this study, the authors induced pluripotopent genes of mouse embryonic fibroblast such as oct4, nanog, rexl using germinal vesicle porcine oocytes extract. The results showed that germinal vesicle porcine oocytes extract can induce the transcript expression of oct4, nanog, and rexl. However, oct4 and nanog expression in mouse embryonic fibroblast induced by germinal vesicle porcine oocytes extract was lower than mouse embryonic stem cells. The rexl expression was very low in mouse embryonic fibroblast induced by germinal vesicle porcine ooctytes extract. Protein OCT4 waS expressed after inducing mouse embryonic fibroblast 3 weeks. A few of induced colonies expressed OCT4 protein. OCT4 protein expression in induced colonies was also lower than embryonic stem cells. Induced colonies were formed after 3week inducing with procine germinal vesicle oocyte extract and matained their embryonic stem like colony morphology trom 3 to 4 days, then induced colony morphology was degraded and changed their morphology. Cell colonies induced by germinal vesicle porcine oocytes extract have the same morphology to mouse embryonic stem cell or induced pluripotent stem cells derived trom defined factors. They had smooth shape and round boundary line distinguished trom other cell clusters in rough shape and no boundary line which are very important to detect embryonic stem as colony morphology. Thus, germinal vesicle porcine oocytes extract may be useful to supply inducing pluripotent genes factors of mouse embryonic fibroblast and the authors also found some induced colonies were formed look like induced pluripotent stem cell derived trom defined factor empl:1asizing oocyte extract has great potency for inducing induced pluripotent stem cells.