This research aims at finding the determinants of public service quality in issuing license for importing agricultural commodities and suggests the suitable solutions to increasing the public service quality in this field in Vietnam. The SERVQUAL model (made some adjustment to be suitable with specific characteristics of Vietnamese public service) is applied to conduct the research. The model has six key factors measuring service quality: Reliability, Assurance, Empathy, Responsiveness, Tangibles, Administratfve Procedure and one factor measuring the business satisfaction. From this model, six hypotheses are produced. After analyzing the survey data by using exploratory factor analysis, running the regression, there are four accepted hypotheses: (1) Information about administrative procedure is positively affected on the business satisfaction
(2) Assurance is positively associated with the business satisfaction
(3) Responsiveness affects positively on the business satisfaction
(4) Suitable administrative procedure positively correlates with the business satisfaction.