Curcuma longa L. is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant, and its essential oil showed antifungal, antibacterial, antioxydant, antivenom, and antitumor effects. The antidennatophytes of oil from turmeric was demonstrated. This study was carried out in order to evaluate inhibition activity of oil from Vietnamese tunneric against two strains dennatophyte, Trychophytol mentargrohytes and Candida albicans. The oil from Vietnamese tunneric was obtained by hydrodistillation method and its chemical composition was detennined by GC/MS. By comparing with authentic reference compounds in mass spectra library Nist 98.1 and Wiley 275.L, 13 compounds of oil from Vietnamese tunneric were identified. The received results showed that, the oil is rich in tunnerones (about 44 percent), which has been recognized as major constituent attributing to antimicrobial activity. By disc diffusion method, the antifungal activity of the turmeric essential oil against T. mentargrophyte and C. albicans was demonstrated. The MICs of the tunneric oil for T. C. albicans were 0.5 percent. The minimal killing time for C. albicans was 60 minutes and for T. mentargrophyte was 90 minutes after treatment with the tunneric oil.