Objectlves: (1) To evaluate the effect of " Huyet phu truc u thang" treabnent in the patients with choronie venous lower limbs remedies "Huyet phu truc u thang"
(2) Determine the effects of unwanted medicine " Huyet phu truc u thang". Materlalresearch methods: Blood government u axis scale is prepared and qualified Vietnam Pharmacopoeia IV and institutional standards, tall form 125 ml liquid bottle/jar. Of 60 patients at the Institute of Medidne and Pharmacy ethnic Ho Chi Minh city from 8/2011 to 6/2012. Results: "Huyet phu truc u thang" work to reduce disease Chronic venous insufficiency detailed below, effectively reducing pain, cramps, severe fatigue, accordingly. Measures of kidney function, liver, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, glucose, cholesterol, tryglycerld, HD-C and LDL-C, did not change after medication (p0.05). Pulse, blood pressure did not change before and after treatment with p0.05. Conclusions: after 30 days of treatment drugs effectively reduce pain, reduce cramps, reduce fatigue, reduce swelling (p0.05). The function of the kidneys, liver, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, glucose, cholesterol, tryglycerid, HDL-C, LDL-C did not change after medication (p0.05). Undesirable effects percentage very low and depleted immediately after processing.