The INHAND project is studying the liquor processing craft village of Dai Lam situated on the bank of the heavily polluted River Cau in Bac Ninh province about 40 km NE of Hanoi. The objectives are to investigate all wastewater and waste streams for a material flow analysis and finally to develop an integrated management concept of water, wastewater, solid wastes and energy. Inventory information such as socio-economic data and parameters of the in-and output streams and production processes has been collected by comprehensive questionnaires. Approximately 17 percent of the interviewed households nowadays are producing alcohol, about 7 percent something else like rice noodle and tofu. Pig raising is dominant as secondary activity of production. The amount of wastewater which is discharged into the open channel was measured and calculated approx. 686 m3 per day with about 600-700 mg COD/L and 140-200 mg TN/L COD which is 3 to 6 times higher than the Vietnamese standard. The wastewater is organically.polluted mainly from production activities. The data form the basis for designing and constructing a multi-step wastewa,ter pilot plant. During the operation of the pilot plant scientific investigations and monitoring will be carried out.